EVENT: Philly book reading TONIGHT, Nov 9, 5:30pm

Hey Philly friends — come join me TONIGHT as I read from my new book, Reality Bites Back.

WHEN: Tuesday Nov. 9, 5:30 – 7:00pm
WHERE: Barnes & Noble, Rittenhouse Square, 1805 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA


Why is reality television built on such blatant gender and race stereotypes? Why are women and people of color represented so harmfully, and with so much bias, in popular culture? What is “Frankenbite” editing, how many hours of tape are shot for every hour of reality TV aired, and how much cheaper is it to produce a reality show than a scripted program? Is it true that networks are simply “giving people what they want,” or is reality TV really the result of media consolidation, media economics, and stealth advertising?

I’ll answer these questions — and whatever else you throw at me — tonight. Hope to see you there!

RSVP at Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=102502319814899

And for more tour dates throughout November — including the official BOOK LAUNCH PARTY!!! in NYC tomorrow (Wed.) night — see event

invitations on Facebook, or view the calendar here.

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